Charisma Social - Find People and Projects with Similar Values

Charisma Social helps you discover people and projects with shared values, as demonstrated by their on-chain data.

What is Charisma Social?

Charisma Social analyzes the personality type and values of the person behind any ETH wallet and ENS. For projects, you can use it to better curate a community of shared values. For individuals, you can use it to find new communities that share your values and your vibe.

All of the traits and values were determined by the community. All of the algorithms are transparently published and created by the community. Equally importantly, it is fun!

Charisma Social was a winner of the EthGlobal NFTHack 2022 and has been launched on a truly shoestring budget by the hackathon teammates (led by joycelai.eth). We would greatly appreciate the support of the ENS community!

How Does it Work?

Charisma Social is in closed live alpha and it is simple and easy to use!

  1. Enter an ENS (could be your ENS or any ENS).
  2. Click “Find Out” - Charisma analyzes the wallet’s ERC 721 assets and onchain activity according to the community created algorithms.
  3. Receive your result! We will show you that ENS personality type, its values, some key metrics and even its celebrity twin!

Charisma Social currently analyzes for whether an ENS is:

Diamond Hands vs. Paper Hands Homebody vs. Social Butterfly Supports Indie/Fledging Projects vs. Prefers Bluechip Projects Upward Trending vs. Downward Trending

Why this is useful for ENS:

In order for ENS to further establish itself as the go to reference point for a person’s identity, there needs to be tools like Charisma Social to help put context behind the people behind the ENS. We are on a mission to humanize and make open data useful to everyone.

How we will use the grant:

Create additional traits and values to calculate, thus further expanding the utility ENS as an identity. Expand infrastructure so that we can open it up to more users and communities.

Links: (pw: dazzle) Connect your wallet and tweet to demonstrate that you are a Charisma OG. Follow on Twitter: @Charisma_Social

We respectfully request for the support from the ENS community in the form of a small grant. We appreciate your consideration!