ENS Fairy

The easiest way to gift ENS names


Before ENS Fairy, registering and gifting an ENS name took 5 transactions. This was quite expensive and took longer than necessary. Now the same goal is accomplished in just 2 transactions, saving money and time.

In addition to .eth registrations, there is also the ENS Fairy Vault. This is a multi-sig meant to secure names for individuals or brands until they are ready to receive it, ensuring more people have a smooth onboarding process to ENS and web3.

Since its launch in July 2022, hundreds of names have been registered using ensfairy.xyz, and 450+ have been deposited to the vault.

What's Next:

I'm currently working on a few things for ENS Fairy including tools that make it even easier to register .eth names and an interactive onboarding experience.

You can follow along with these updates on GitHub and Twitter.