Onboard the next Million ETH wallet users via XPESO.me

XPESO.me enables the ordinary user to own a xpeso.eth subdomain via xpeso.me

To onboard the next million crypto wallets/users, we have make crypto as user-friendly as we can. Additionally, people are discouraged to utilize crypto because of the hacks that involves replacing their wallet addresses making them send assets to the hacker's address. ENS solves this attack since people can easily recognize words/letters vs their 20-byte wallet address.

Thru XPESO.me, people can register their own xpeso.eth subdomain for as low as possible (gas-only) and point it to their own wallet address. We are looking at enabling fiat payments to cover for the gas or even subsidizing the cost thru grants like this.

Our goal is not to make money, but to make crypto utility as accessible as possible.

Progress wise, we are on the development stage. We already bought the xpeso.me domain and xpeso.eth subdomain. The name is easy to remember, makes a statement and sounds like coffee.

Are you ready to own your-name.xpeso.eth?