
ENS on Optimism

Get your Optiname NOW!! https://optinames.eth.limo

Register a free ENS Subdomain on Optimism L2 and use it everywhere including L1 Ethereum.

Optinames are tradable and transferrable sub-domains wrapped as ERC721s & fully integrated with the Ethereum Name Service (ENS). They can be resolved on L1 Ethereum by utilizing an offchain resolver.

Important Links:

Offchain Resolver on L1 - Etherscan

Subdomain NFTs on Optimism - Optimism Etherscan

Subdomain Example on ENS App - ENS App

Subdomain Example on Etherscan - Etherscan Resolution

Subdomain Example on Rainbow Wallet - Rainbow Wallet

This project is leading the charge in making it easier & cheaper to acquire and utilize ens domains. We are implementing the latest technologies released by the ENS team (CCIP Read & Offchain resolution) to make it possible for users to register subdomains on Optimism while making them available & resolvable on L1 Ethereum.