Signal + ENS

Lookup and message ENS names on Signal

We love Signal and ENS. Unfortunately, current Signal users have no way to utilize their favorite ENS name within Signal, and are forced to resort to traditional phone numbers. We decided to change that by building a desktop version of Signal that supports ENS name lookups, so you can search and message a user with only their ENS name*!

*Enabling your ENS to be found on Signal + ENS is incredibly easy, and only requires adding your current Signal number as a new text record so other users can lookup and message you knowing just your ENS name.

We understand certain users won’t want to add their current phone number as a new text record with their ENS, which is why our team is actively developing a solution to remove this dependency to be inclusive to everyone!

This desktop app is 100% Signal, with the added ability to lookup and message an ENS name, meaning it fully interoperates with all existing Signal contacts.

All of our code is fully open sourced and available to view on our Github here: