See all sold/minted ENS domains categorized by clubs

See what names and clubs are selling or being minted

Our website is a platform showing aggregated and in-depth sales information of ENS domains by extracting all the sales records from Opensea, Looksrare and other ENS marketplaces.

It shows the overall sales data including sales volume, sales ranking, average sold price, floor & highest price of different clubs (e.g. 999 club, 3letters club) within different periods of time. What’s more, we provide a convenient filter function for users to easily find the exact sales information they want. Here, users can filter sales information by different time period, different clubs, different name categories(e.g. Repeat 2, descend 3) .

Moreover, we visualized the sales volume and sales price into a dynamic chart. Users can easily find the price change and volume change by day of the specific types of names they select (e.g. Repeat 2 for 999 club in last 30d). By using this functions, users can easily follow up on the ENS market trend.

Besides that, we also provide all detailed records of each ENS name’s sales. Users can also rank the sales records by date/ sold price/first digit.

Usability - improving the user experience Instead of spending a lot of effort to go through different platforms to gather the scattered sales information, users can conveniently have a comprehensive view of the ENS transaction market by using our website. Also they can easily find the exact information they want using our filter function.

Community - growing the ecosystem We see that the market is rapidly growing and it is really hard for every active user in the community to constantly catch up with the market. WIth that idea, we want to be their support. By tracking all the transaction data in the ENS market and providing up-to-date insights, we hope we can let more community members easily understand the changeable market and let other newcomers see how promising the market is. Moreover, we believe our data can be a kind of tool for a lot of other brilliant community members to use to build up other powerful things. In the end, we can together help grow the ecosystem.

Education - Generating & Promoting content and educational resources about ENS Although more and more people are joining the ENS market, most of them still don’t have a thorough idea about the ENS market insights. Our website wants to educate users to become more expert in the market. Here, they can learn how to better use the data to discover insights of the market. For example, from the price chartthey can see when the price goes up and down and know when the market is prosperous and when to buy/sell their own name property.

Future Development Plan With the grant, we want to develop our website into a more powerful market analysis platform. Two more functions are under development:

(1) More visualization: Apart from the price chart, we are also considering to develop more visualization tools including sales volume chart, floor price chart and etc. We believe with more powerful visualization functions, users will find it more convenient to cultivate insights of the market.

(2) Intelligent future forecast: Besides past sales data analysis, we also want to include future forecast function into our website. By analysing the past data, we can forecast future average sold price and volume of the ENS market. We believe this function will help more users master the ENS market.