ENS Therapy

Providing the essential judgement-free zone for organizations in the ENS community to mediate stresses in individuals and groups

ENS is a global movement with a flood of different individual personalities, backgrounds, and expectations. At the rate of its growth, there has been a call to action for the next phase of a successful community: ENS Therapy. Our objective is to create a space where community members can alleviate common Web3 stresses, such as burnout, fomo, and any general anxieties that may cause internal conflicts in groups.

We will provide regular spaces for any person or group who needs a non-biased platform to express their anxieties and frustrations within interpersonal interactions. This will allow us to find clarity to situations that may impede growth and progress. Our methods will be to define problems at the source, and then create a plan to help facilitate common goals and ways to achieve them. This may be done in one session or multiple sessions, depending on the scope of the topic. For larger groups, there will be an interdisciplinary workshop to cover as many topics as possible in a streamlined fashion, such as a round table discussion, role-reversal, personal surveys and other types of team engagement.

Initially, these services are provided pro bono to encourage trust and safety among its members and users. Organizations that would like to hire these services for more in-depth engagement will be referred to a sliding scale, depending on the current market and number of persons in the group. Our team is reimbursed for time, materials, and services upon sign-up for the workshop provided to these subscribed groups.

No matter what stage a project may be in, there will be mental stresses and resentments felt among community members at some point in development, so we are providing an essential service for the community to help prevent and alleviate these natural feelings. Managing conflict in a community is inherently emotional work. We task ourselves to engage and inspire members to participate by celebrating wins and successes; sometimes we need to first discuss challenges and listen to frustrations to continue to build bridges.

By using ENS and ENS Therapy, we can broaden our services to all Web3 groups and organizations that may need interpersonal and professional mediation because of the affordability and sustainability of this ecosystem.

About ENS Therapy: founded by @nathania_ml and @just_cady