ENSEverywhere by CryptoStats

Buy, trade, and bridge ENS domains on L2s with the same cheap gas fees you would expect from L2s

One of the most successful products on Ethereum is ENS domains. Not only has it proven itself as a critical piece of the future of the internet and decentralized usernames, but it's also one of the products capturing the most fees on Ethereum.

As more activity is moving onto L2s, the one thing that has not moved with them is ENS. There's currently no way to register and trade ENS domains on L2s. Therefore users must continue paying L1 gas fees to interact with ENS. Although ENS is already working on supporting L2s using off-chain data lookups and wildcard domain names, this doesn't solve the use case of registering top-level domains. This is important, as top-level domains are the most prevalent use-case of ENS and the primary driver of ENS revenue.

To solve this problem, we've built ENS Everywhere, which aims to make ENS domains first-class citizens on Ethereum L2s. Users can request domain purchases on Polygon, Optimism, or potentially more chains in the future. Relayers register these domains on L1 and bridge the ENS NFTs back to L2. And by using our new Bulk Registrar contract (described in detail below), we can provide up to 34% savings.

We believe this project can help make ENS domains more accessible to everyone and continue to grow Ethereum's L2 ecosystem!