Content addressable file store for fully on-chain art, games, etc.

Dom, Mathcastles, and others inspired a conversation around how to maximize the durability of blockchain projects by putting as much as possible on chain. Dom showed us its possible to put large/complex libraries like three.js on chain and in a reusable way to unlock more power in fully on-chain art, games, etc.

Several use-case specific instances have popped up over time: single JS libraries (three.js, p5js), fonts (Corruptions, OKPC, Capsules), SVG components (Shields), and I'm sure many more.

It's quite expensive to load these files on-chain, so I've been working on a content-addressable file store for maximizing the reuse of these files, and a frontend to make it easy to browse existing files and upload new files.

This grant will be used to fund the gas costs of the initial contract deploys + file uploads.