Web3 Press Release Service (pressrelease.eth)

A press release service for verified web3 companies using sign-in with Ethereum


For context, imagine a simple website such as (https://news.ycombinator.com/)

Users first sign in with Ethereum (https://login.xyz/) and proceed to fill in information pertaining to the who/what/where/when/why of their press release. The news is posted, and if the signer is a "verified" address per Etherscan, then the PR is tagged as verified.

Apart from gas fees to sign the transaction, this service will be free to use. However, it might make sense to create a DAO for this service and charge $1-5 (in eth) that is deposited to a multi-sig.

So, why do we want this?

Between the ads, notifications, and overall bloated experience of reading news on coindesk et al, it would be preferable to have a very straightforward place to host and read press releases. In the "traditional" world, places such as https://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/home/news/ are typically used but they have the same challenges - and they're not using an ENS domain. Btw, it will be hosted on IPFS so it's decentralized.

I can see this rapidly becoming a staple in the space that many web3 projects can use to help save on marketing costs.

Any feedback is very appreciated, I look forward to exploring this in further detail if there is sufficient interest. Thank you for reading.