Onboarding Events

Hosting IRL Onboarding Events

Hosting IRL onboarding events that are free and open to the public. People come through, and are taught how to create a wallet, perform transactions, connect to DApps, try new tools, and participate in the space. They get some free crypto, NFTs, and experience without any cost/risk to themselves. We have hosted one event so far. In Bogota during Devcon by targeting local Colombians to get them their first assets and exposure to Web3. ENS was one of the sponsors! Because of ENS' support, we were able to get a group of people their first ENS, and show them how it relates to their online identity using various platforms like Zapper, Nftychat, Tally and more!

I have linked a tweet thread that details the onboarding event in Bogota we did, and contains an overview of the curriculum people went through. https://twitter.com/Irrelephantoops/status/1580193059870232576 Also shoutout to Slobo.eth for their support <3

Onboarding events have the potential to be an entire new genre of event. We have seen conferences, hackathons and gatherings. It's now time we dedicate our energy towards events that will actually push us forward, and I believe onboarding events are that thing. This genuinely does have the potential to be a public good, that will help everyone involved in an an altruistic way. People will learn in a safe, welcoming environment and this is how we will grow, together.

My dream is to make these onboarding events a thing that work in tandem with all the major conferences. These irl events are the best way for a person to get their first exposure to the space, but they are prohibitively expensive, and fail to attract new people. So, the goal is to host these free, public onboarding events in tandem with the big crypto events, but next door. Volunteers will be happy to step next door and educate people on what they are building, and it will act as an inviting opportunity for new people to come through, where they otherwise wouldn't because of cost, and the feeling of being on their own. The onboarding events give them a chance to get their first exposure to the technology, the people, and the culture.

Our experience so far has shown us that people are incredibly grateful to get the opportunity to learn in this way, and that this is an initiative that absolutely needs to keep happening. It was an honour to have ENS as a part of our first one, as I believe it is a critical piece of the Web3 infrastructure. ENS should be present at all future onboarding events, and that is the purpose of me reaching out with this grant.

The funds would be used to help with these events, primarily by using them to register names for people using something like ENSFairy or gregskril.eth's awesome telegram registration bot tool. Its critical people have an ENS as they go and learn about contributing, so ENS is a necessary part of this curriculum.

Although I hope this grant is a success, I am most interested in having an ongoing relationship, and your support, because this is not a one-time idea. This is something that I hope happens consistently, indefinitely. With consistency on this, we can change lives and grow together.

Thank you frens! I appreciate you, and I do not take lightly the opportunity we have in front of us!