Alchemy University - Web3 Developer Bootcamp

Fast track your web3 career through courses, projects and code. Totally free.

"I learned the skillset I needed to transition from web2 to web3 and it led directly to landing my dream job and helping secure the open economy."

  • Dan McKeon, Full Stack Ethereum Developer @OpenZeppelin

Education has always been core to Alchemy’s mission of bringing web3 to 1 billion people, and this is why we’re ecstatic to finally release Alchemy University!

What is Alchemy University?

Alchemy University (AU) is the ultimate resource for learning how to build in web3. The platform is built directly based on your requests for educational materials about web3. Oh and did we mention, it’s totally free?

Our focus at AU is to provide comprehensive material for web3 concepts that are accessible to everyone, from seasoned developers to n00bs. This includes an entire Ethereum Developer Bootcamp for developers in addition to a JavaScript Fundamentals course for those who are new to coding or unfamiliar with JavaScript. AU will also include our flagship project-based learning path: Road to web3.

We believe this will fundamentally change the web3 education space - making credible resources and core concepts widely available to anyone who wants to learn, regardless of their financial background.

Why courses?

Over the years we’ve continued to produce written tutorials, videos, blog posts and even overviews for web3 concepts for our community. These have helped thousands of developers get their start in web3; even some of the largest existing web3 companies first learned how to build smart contracts by going through our intro to smart contracts tutorials.

However, while one-off tutorials and projects can be helpful for learning specific concepts, we’ve heard time and again that learners desire a course that takes them from 0 to 100 in becoming a web3 developer.

What type of content will be offered on AlchemyU?

Alchemy University will contain comprehensive educational courses, starting with the fundamentals, and taking you all the way to expert, even for those who have never coded before!

We firmly believe that in order to truly master programming skills, you need to start from the basics, which is why we brought on the ChainShot team to offer their $3000 Ethereum Developer Bootcamp for free, so more developers can gain the skills required to master web3 development

In the initial launch, AU will provide three primary education paths:

  1. JavaScript Fundamentals: 3 week crash course to learn how to code and become a JavaScript expert, a core foundation to web3 development. No experience necessary.‍
  2. Ethereum Developer Bootcamp: 7 week bootcamp with interactive coding challenges, video lessons, projects and expert instructors to teach you to build smart contracts, master solidity, and become a web3 developer.‍
  3. Road to web3 (project based learning): 10 hands on web3 projects for you to build from the ground up with videos, written tutorials, starter code, and a community of thousands of developers.

We will also debut a new resource for developers that are looking for pre-built code repositories to bootstrap their development process without having to build from scratch: starter code.

Is Alchemy University just for developers?

Alchemy University’s content will be technical and geared entirely towards existing developers or those interested in becoming developers. However, no prior coding experience is necessary to start with Alchemy University.

In the future we envision Alchemy University being a place where anyone is able to learn anything about web3, including non-technical concepts.

No matter where you are on your learning journey, Alchemy University will provide top tier materials to get you on the right track!

How can I get started with Alchemy University?

You can get started by visiting and embarking on your web3 learning journey! In the meantime if you want to learn more about solidity, check out our overviews for learning solidity.

Upon initial launch, all Alchemy University courses will be invite-only to ensure we’re providing the best possible experience before launching to the public - hang tight! We’ll be releasing these to the public very soon. In the meantime, to apply to join our early-access invite group by filling out the application form on!